
181 Audio Reviews

72 w/ Responses

kinda moby-ish
it sucks that this got zero bombed...this totally had potential for top 5 i think... very cinematic... one of the only ambient song i've ever really enjoyed(i hear of lot crap ambient on the site)...are u making the film or some1 just recruit u for music? when are those albums coming out? keep me posted man

kinda moby-ish
it sucks that this got zero bombed...this totally had potential for top 5 i think... very cinematic... one of the only ambient song i've ever really enjoyed(i hear of lot crap ambient on the site)...are u making the film or some1 just recruit u for music? when are those albums coming out? keep me posted man

kinda moby-ish
it sucks that this got zero bombed...this totally had potential for top 5 i think... very cinematic... one of the only ambient song i've ever really enjoyed(i hear of lot crap ambient on the site)...are u making the film or some1 just recruit u for music? when are those albums coming out? keep me posted man

kinda moby-ish
it sucks that this got zero bombed...this totally had potential for top 5 i think... very cinematic... one of the only ambient song i've ever really enjoyed(i hear of lot crap ambient on the site)...are u making the film or some1 just recruit u for music? when are those albums coming out? keep me posted man

Beautiful. Relaxing and has some kind of Ace of Base feel.

MattReeves responds:

Hahaha, what would I be without AoB? Nothing, obvi...

Oh, and you were talking about the dubstep part, right? YEAH.

Okay my honest opinion. The chord progression was too generic emo/punk/acoustic. The lyrics are the strongpoint which pleases me. It's a calming song and you did a great job. But as soon as it started I though "Have I heard this before? like a hundred times?".

Keep up the good work though.

Keegs responds:

Generic? The generic punk/emo/pop chord progression is: I-V-vi-IV. The chord progression I used is rarely used in pop music. Usually more R&B or rock ballads, starting on the IV: IV-vi-I-V. It is pretty bland, as it uses the same chords, but not in the usual order. Listen to the bass and you'll hear it.

Thanks for the review!



Good but.... Worst EQing/mastering I've heard in a while. Not like I'm any better. but yeah....


You're too good for newgrounds.
get the fuck out matt.
leave NG for the less talented.


Needs a lot of work. It's too fast to be a cover and obviously too short. But I could see this being something awesome if you work really hard on it.
Also it's very bare. Try putting like a string in there.

Kalsafuir responds:

I fixed it. lol And I wanted it to be a fast beat. Also, the whole point of a loop is it being short. Kinda why I put "Loop" in the title. :D

Hi, my name is Grant. I'll thank you in advance for stumbling upon my page. Well, it all started around 2001 when my mom got fruity loops 2 on her computer. I used to just mess around with it.. Nothing special. Glad you could be here <3

Project Xero @GrantProjectXero

Age 34, Male



Joined on 7/18/08

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